ScoMo Caught Lying – Again

He has his mouth open – is lying

ScoMo team’s incompetence spun as Chinese interference

If you can’t manage something – blame others for the cock ups.

More Chinese interference in in Canberra?

This time – not. Yet again, ScoMo’s Prime Ministerial team has stuffed up – using shonky arrangements to set up a WeChat account, then forgetting to renew it.

They were paying so little attention, it took two months to even notice that someone else was using the account.

A political hijack? Those nefarious Chinese ALP supporters undermining ScoMo’s ramshackle administration? Or, was it the ever active Chinese intelligence agencies, attacking Australia’s sovereignty?

The hapless bureaucrats in ScoMo’s office decided it was the latter – blaming the Chinese for their own stuff ups.

In London, the BBC is sniffing blood in Canberra.

Scott isn’t as chaotic as Boris … yet. But, his continual missteps, refusal to take responsibility and anti-Chinese excuses are beginning to trigger suspicion.

How the BBC treated Morrison’s latest propaganda adventures

Meanwhile WeChat refuted Morrison’s claims, pointing to the perfectly legal commercial transaction underlying the switch. It was sold off, because the necessary management steps hadn’t been taken. Turns out Morrison’s staff were using an agency in China (registered to one individual) who hadn’t remembered to renew. Hardly the most professional.

The WeChat account now

The new owner of the account hasn’t sought to pretend it is still operated by the Prime Minister – he is using it to publish news for Chinese Australians.

Interviewed in China, he said he hadn’t taken down the old Morrison posts – because he didn’t want to offend any Australian politicians.

Meanwhile Morrison’s cabinet team lined up to denounce the Chinese interference.

A full court press – as The Guardian reported.

Pity it wasn’t true.

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